2019). Other potential benefits of enzyme use include flexibility in formulating lower-cost feeds and increased food digestibility; in this regard, the enzyme β-mannanase has emerged as an efficient ...
Biochar performed better than any other feed additive at preventing campylobacter in a study on free-range broilers.
Laboratory of Computer-Aided Molecular Design, Division of Medicinal Chemistry, Otto-Loewi Research Center, Medical University of Graz, Neue Stiftingtalstr. 6/III, A-8010 Graz, Austria ...
Recent developments have altered our view of molecular mechanisms that determine sink strength, defined here as the capacity of non-photosynthetic structures to compete for import of photoassimilates.
For several months up to the start of 2025, there were few reported signs of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in Africa. Since the beginning of January, however, some infections in poultry ...
Leiden Institute of Chemistry, Leiden University, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands ...
Samples were collected from the Karak salt range, Kohat, KPK. The soil was collected and preserved in the sterilized bags at 4 °C till further analyses. Serial dilution was performed for the isolation ...