Mary Poppins is a 1964 American musical fantasy film directed by Robert Stevenson and produced by Walt Disney, with songs written and composed by the Sherman Brothers. A sequel, Mary Poppins ...
Julie Andrews, Dick Van Dyke and others celebrate the movie's lasting legacy. For 60 years, generations of families have had spoonfuls of sugar, dancing penguins and ...
and chronicles its turbulent flight from children's book to the silver screen. Watch "The Untold Story of Mary Poppins: A Special Edition of 20/20" on Wednesday at 9/8c and the the Wonderful World ...
(ABC News) Disney first became interested in author P.L. Travers' Mary Poppins through his daughters, Diane and Sharon, who were enthralled by the books. The studio made its initial inquiry into ...
Julie Andrews, Dick Van Dyke and others celebrate the lasting legacy of "Mary Poppins" on the 60th anniversary of the Disney classic.