UT launched a significant technology change — moving from the Google platform to Microsoft. The expected completion of this ...
Microsoft has offered its competitors money due to an antitrust complaint at EU level.
近期 DeepSeek 的火爆,彰显了国产产品在技术自主创新方面的强大实力。而在商业模式层面,以WPS为例,其在2023年底果断关闭第三方商业广告,告别了干扰用户体验的营销模式,也让办公软件进入了新的运营时代。
As seen by tech site Beebom (via Windows Central ), Microsoft tested offering a free, ad-supported version of Microsoft ...
近日有消息传出,微软可能正在测试一款免费版的MicrosoftOffice应用。据称,用户无需订阅Microsoft365服务或购买Office许可证,便可使用包括Word、Excel和PowerPoint在内的基础功能。针对这一传闻,微软中国官方客 ...
此前微软发言人在回应PCWorld时称,广告版Office目前一直处于有限测试,目前没有计划推出免费、广告版Microsoft Office应用。
近日,微软被曝正在测试一款带有广告的免费版Microsoft Office应用。用户无需订阅Microsoft ...
A Microsoft representative confirmed that the company is currently conducting 'limited testing' for this version.
A free version of Microsoft Office is being piloted, but some users may find it too annoying to put up with after trimming features and including ads.
The free version of Microsoft features a 15-second ad that plays every few hours and locks away useful features behind a ...
The free version of Microsoft Office apps will come with certain limitations and lack some features available in the paid ...
The free version of Microsoft Office apps will come with certain limitations and lack some features available in the paid versions ...