最近,游戏圈又迎来了一条重磅消息!暴雪娱乐前总裁Mike Morhaime在接受采访时表示,《GTA6》将会是2024年最重磅的游戏之一,甚至有可能成为‘游戏界的王者’,其他游戏都会主动避开与之竞争。这番言论一出,立刻引发了广大玩家的热议。《GTA6 ...
暴雪有个忙碌的第二季度,并达到了一系列的新里程碑。这其中包括《魔兽世界:德拉诺之王》的 Beta 测试,《炉石传说》的 iPad 版发布,《暗黑破坏神3》正在测试中的新内容,以及我们尚未 ...
Blizzard Entertainment, the company behind smash-hit video games including "World of Warcraft," "Hearthstone," and "Overwatch," is undergoing a shakeup as long-time president and co-founder Mike ...
"However, as Blizzard and the industry have evolved we've also had to make some difficult decisions in order to address the changing needs of our company" - Mike Morhaime, Blizzard CEO - “Constant ...
Mike Morhaime recently stated in an interview with Yonhap News that after three years of talks with KeSPA they have made no progress in having KeSPA recognize their intellectual property (IP) rights.