The Higher Education Loans Board (Helb) which gives study loans requires Sh81 billion but has only been allocated Sh46.9 billion.
On NBC5 In Depth, Congresswoman Balint strongly criticized the second Trump Administration. The broadcast also sought out the ...
Any recommendations would be designed to determine “where we need to make improvements … to strengthen the Finance Department ...
Grocery shopping is part of our daily lives, and even the essentials can add up quickly. Read our tips and tricks to help you save money on your groceries ...
If you're trying to save money, you might be tempted to purchase budget-friendly power tools. However, these options have a ...
To be effective and competent at the Legislature, legislators and their staff need time to gather knowledge, analyze it, ...
President Donald Trump’s fifth week in office included a dramatic shift in U.S. policy toward Russia, firing the country’s ...
Despite their apparent powerlessness, Democrats can block appropriations measures with a Senate filibuster, as they could in ...
Credit Suisse is currently under investigation by the US Senate for obstructing investigations into its servicing of ...
Congress has announced federal budget proposals that could dramatically curtail Medicaid. Here's everything you need to know.
The prospect of homeownership has felt increasingly out of reach in the last few years. Prospective buyers face multiple ...
Staffing at the HUD office that pays for housing and support services across the country is slated to be cut by 84%.