不过目前来说,科学家还无法确定地球最早的生命到底是怎么产生的,而人类的起源能够追溯到几百万年前或者是几千万年前,根据科学家的研究我们能够知道,人类是由猿类生物进化而来的,大约在1000万年前,当时的非洲生活着一群在树上为生的生物,这就是人类的远古祖先 ...
If you're into mushrooms, we're shedding light on 16 varieties of edible mushrooms that are delicious in almost any dish.
If guchchhi were merely another mushroom, it would have remained a footnote in the Himalayan folklore. But nature has endowed ...
羊肚菌,拉丁学名:Morchella esculenta (L.) Pers.,别名羊肚菜、羊肚菇、羊蘑,世界范围内均有分布,多生长在阔叶林或针阔混交林的腐殖质层上,在火烧后的林地上容易发生。羊肚菌不仅口感独特,还富含多种营养成分,属于食药兼用菌,享有“菌中皇后”的美称。
It can be hard enough hitting all the restaurants on your must-visit-in-London list, but getting to all the food-related events? Near impossible. The city’s chefs, restaurateurs, cocktail pros and ...
If your idea of the perfect restaurant visit is being up close and personal with the chefs or if you're looking for the perfect place for a solo lunch or supper, then counter dining is the way to go.