Symptoms may affect tissues that play ... MG can successfully control the condition. Myasthenic crisis is a complication of myasthenia gravis (MG). It occurs due to excessive weakness in muscles ...
Triggers that may bring on symptoms of myasthenia gravis include stress ... In extreme cases, an infection can trigger an MG crisis. A crisis occurs if MG makes it difficult to breathe.
Decreased AChR-Ab titers correlated with improved myasthenia gravis symptoms, especially in ADL scores, within the first 3 months of treatment. The study found no baseline correlation between AChR ...
Heightened focus on delays in diagnosing generalized myasthenia gravis (gMG) follows the promise of better results for some patients with newer treatments that include complement inhibitors and ...
Sugammadex (Bridion; Merck) is a small-molecule oligosaccharide, also known as a modified gamma cyclodextin, that was ...
Myasthenia gravis (MG ... Fifteen percent of patients have only ocular symptoms whereas most of them have a generalized presentation. Respiratory muscles can occur times, with the subsequent need for ...