In this paper proposes a sensitivity analysis method based on a Polynomial Chaos Expansion (PCE) surrogate model for flexoelectric materials. The non-uniform rational B-splines (NURBS) basis functions ...
《哪吒》系列电影的成功背后,让无数“鸡娃”的家长反思,兴趣在孩子成长过程中的重要性。导演饺子毕业于四川大学华西药学院,却从大三开始自学三维动画,最终一举成名。而郑凯文毕业于吉林体育学院的篮球专业,入行动画同样是因为热爱,他大二时就开始自学三维动画软件,并由人民邮电出版社出版了一本《3DS MAX NURBS 曲面建模使用详解与创作实例》。
Some standard modules for making 3d shapes with attachment support, and function forms that produce a VNF. Also included are shortcuts cylinders in each orientation and extended versions of the ...
Functions and modules that provide shortcuts for translation, rotation and mirror operations. Also provided are skew and frame_map which remaps the coordinate axes. The shortcuts can act on geometry, ...
在姿态估计阶段,技术的亮点进一步浮现。浙川机器人采用NURBS曲线算法生成焊接轨迹,从而确保轨迹的生成能够适应焊接过程中的变数。通过这一算法,焊接机器人可针对不同的焊接工艺进行相应的调整,以实现最佳的焊接质量。这种灵活性在实际应用中至关 ...