Intestinal pseudo-obstruction is a rare condition that occurs when you have symptoms of intestinal obstruction without anything physically blocking the intestines. It can be chronic or develop ...
为解决泪道造影中对比剂的问题,波兰华沙军事医学研究所的研究人员开展 3D CT-DCG 中硫酸钡与碘化油对比研究,发现硫酸钡优势明显。该研究为泪道疾病诊断提供新方向,推荐科研读者阅读。 在眼科领域,泪道疾病的诊断和治疗一直是备受关注的问题。泪道就 ...
Geriatrics and Aging. 2005;8(6):43-45. Is the treatment still indicated or has the diagnosis been refuted? For example, a putative diagnosis of angina may have subsequently been disproved ...
The risk of systemic side effects is greater in infants than in adults due to increased percutaneous drug absorption and lower blood volume. The closed eyes technique of eyedrop administration is ...