Army scientists are joining forces with experts from across the nation to tackle the climate crisis using the power of ...
中国科学技术大学路军岭教授、刘进勋教授、王恒伟副研究员 等人发现,通过选择性地将高度分散的FeOx构建在四方氧化锆负载的超细筏状Rh团簇上,可以实现FeOx-Rh-ZrO2双界面的原子紧密组装,从而实现合成气到乙醇的高效串联转化。在CO转化率高达51%的情况下,乙醇在氧合物中的选择性达到90%,乙醇的时空产率高达668.2 mg gcat-1 ...
Controlling matter at the atomic level has taken a major step forward, thanks to nanotechnology research by an international ...
Physicists are getting closer to controlling single-molecule chemical reactions -- could this shape the future of pharmaceutical research?
While scientists routinely control single-outcome molecular reactions, controlling multiple-outcome reactions remains ...
Nanoscience and technology is the branch of science that studies systems and manipulates matter on atomic, molecular and supramolecular scales (the nanometre scale). On such a length scale ...
Spintronics is the use of a fundamental property of particles known as spin for information processing. In many ways, spintronics is analogous to electronics, which instead uses the electrical ...
in periodically driven Rydberg atomic dissipative systems. Their study was published in Nature Communications. The team was led by Prof.
【文字/依过 图片/受访者】近日,吉林大学第三医院陈芳芳教授团队系统性研究了六种精确表征的葡聚糖涂层氧化铁纳米材料(IONPs),并探讨了它们蛋白冠形成与免疫激活的完整过程,以及AML模型中的免疫治疗效果。相关工作以“Specific surface ...
盖世汽车讯 为了理解世界,大多数人在很大程度上依赖于视觉。最近的研究表明,人类视觉系统是分层的,这意味着它处理不同层次的信息,从感官刺激的低级处理到与更高级认知能力相关的高级处理。
Talin’s shapeshifting properties also resulted in a collaboration between Goult and some chemist colleagues, who recognized ...
Scientists found E. coli bacteria can move in sync when confined in connected micro-chambers, showing how order emerges in ...