ESP32 Camera motion capture application to record JPEGs to SD card as AVI files and stream to browser as MJPEG. If a microphone is installed then a WAV file is also created. Files can be uploaded via ...
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources’ new Nongame Wildlife EagleCam gives fans across the globe a live view of a nest belonging to a pair of bald eagles. (AP video: Mark Vancleave) Mexico's ...
Wholesalers such as Costco and Walmart are adding EV-charging capacity. But the race to make EVs more affordable is facing hurdles now that Chinese-made electric vehicles face stiff tariffs in ...
The second-gen Nest Doorbell is an option to consider ... with a 20-degree wedge mount to better angle the doorbell and camera toward the door. After installing the wedge, I had a sufficient ...
Costco is typically my go-to store, as I can save money by buying items in bulk. The freezer section at Costco always offers a broad variety of frozen meals, but buying anything in bulk-sized ...
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