Motor neuron disease usually refers to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, but it can also refer to other kind of neurodegenerative disease that affect the motor neurons, such as progressive primary ...
This study presents a valuable theoretical exploration on the electrophysiological mechanisms of ionic currents via gap junctions in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal-cell models, and their potential ...
Among the requirements, the final rule includes limits on added sugars, saturated fat and sodium for foods to be labeled as “healthy,” and “healthy” foods must contain a certain amount of ...
The US Food and Drug Administration's new standards for foods before they can be labeled as "healthy" on their packaging will go into effect about two months later than planned, according to a ...
The table is limited by our hospital pharmacy's formulary; however, our purpose was to update the current literature. The table is intended for use as a guide when medications labeled for ...
(CNN) — The US Food and Drug Administration’s new standards for foods before they can be labeled as “healthy” on their packaging will go into effect about two months later than planned, according to a ...
Feb. 25, 2025 — Investigators have conducted a multi-ancestry, whole genome sequencing association study of Alzheimer's disease and found evidence for 16 new susceptibility genes, expanding the ...