A global network of robotic floats that measure the changing state of the ocean. Develops and implements coastal observatories, serves as a science and technical interface with local, state, and ...
Laboratory for Ocean Physics and Satellite remote sensing, UMR6523, CNRS-Ifremer-IRD-UBO ...
Unexplained peak in the abundance of beryllium-10 in ferromanganese ocean crusts could become an independent time marker for geological dating ...
Microplastics in Ocean Linked to Disabilities for Coastal Residents Feb. 26, 2025 — Tiny bits of plastic found in the ocean may be tied to a higher risk of disability for people who live in ...
Dr. Cliff Kapono would have been the coolest high school physics teacher on Earth had he chosen to go that route.
CalCOFI is a long-term, interdisciplinary, cross-sectoral ecosystem research program off the coast of California that holistically studies the physics, biogeochemistry, and biology of the marine ...
Prof RW Wood described 'Raman Effect' as 'a very beautiful discovery' and considered it as one of the most convincing proofs ...
“Imagine trying to detect life at the depths of Earth's oceans by only sampling water from the surface. That's the challenge we face with Enceladus, except we're also dealing with an ocean whose ...
Explore the essential steps to become an oceanographer, including education, practical experience, and specialisation in ...
Ocean sciences span the physics, chemistry, and biology of marine systems. The field encompasses ocean circulation, energy dissipation, marine biology, ecology, biogeochemical cycles, water mass ...
“We’re finding places on Mars that used to look like ancient beaches and ancient river deltas,” said Dr Benjamin Cardenas of ...