ORR, MN (KDAL) – A 36 year old woman from International Falls was hospitalized following a crash between the SUV she was riding in and a fully loaded logging truck on Saturday. According to the St.
After numerous "close calls" with logging trucks, residents living along the Napier-Taihape Road say it's a huge relief the daily onslaught of speeding heavy trucks has been taken off their narrow and ...
STAFF REPORT The female driver of a Toyota Highland was sent to the hospital Saturday when she was involved in a low-speed T-bone type, side… ...
In fact, you don't have to look far to see some trucks as old as 30 or 40 years still putting in a hard day's work on farms or doing landscaping. It seems, at least on the surface, many classic ...
After numerous “close calls” with logging trucks, residents living along the Napier-Taihape Road say it’s a huge relief the daily onslaught of speeding heavy vehicles has been taken off the ...
British Columbia-based forestry giant Interfor reaped an estimated $1.8 million in net profit from logging in old-growth areas that were meant to be preserved, a decision by the province’s Forest ...
British Columbia-based forestry giant Interfor reaped an estimated $1.8 million in net profit from logging in old-growth areas that were meant to be preserved, a decision by the province’s ...
The Cariboo Chilcontin Coast is vast and sparsely populated (by humans), but the thrill of a wildlife encounter looms large ...
A Hawke’s Bay trial to convert leftover forestry wood into roading material for logging trucks to travel over is showing promising results. Managing woody debris left after harvesting is a ...
A woman was hospitalized after the SUV she was traveling in was T-boned by a logging truck in northern Minnesota. The St ... was sheared off as a result of the collision," the sheriff's office said, ...