③PPT:SmartArt 让你的演示文稿“高大上”做PPT的时候,是不是总觉得自己的页面排版太生硬?试试PPT的SmartArt吧!它能实现超快多图排版,让你的PPT瞬间脱颖而出,让老师和同学都眼前一亮!首先打开既有Power又有Point的PowerPoint,然后选中所有图片,点击【图片 ...
在最近的社交媒体上,由于电影《哪吒2》登顶全球动画电影票房榜,引发了热议。这不仅使得《哪吒》的话题再次升温,更出现了一个让人惊讶的现象——一名网友竟然用办公软件Excel画出了哪吒!没错,就是我们常用来制作表格与统计数据的Excel。这样的创意玩法令许多人眼前一亮,也让人忍不住想深入了解Excel的神奇能力与其他办公软件的隐藏功能。本篇文章将带你探索Excel画画的奇妙世界以及提升办公效率的小技巧 ...
Microsoft has quietly made free, ad-supported versions of Word, Excel, and PowerPoint available for free on Windows.
Some Microsoft Office users are getting access to ad-supported, restricted desktop apps for Word, Excel and PowerPoint.
Microsoft is taking another stab at a free Office app, allowing you to create documents in Word, PowerPoint, and Excel at the ...
Microsoft has introduced a free ad-supported Office app that brings access to Word, Excel, and PowerPoint without any ...
Conveniences in PowerPoint like Designer and SmartArt, plus screen recording and animation tools are gone, too. You can see a list of all features that Microsoft excluded in the Beebom article.
Microsoft has released ad-supported versions of its Office desktop apps, which have limited features but allow Windows users ...
Microsoft silently unveils a free Office version for Windows, requiring no Microsoft 365 subscription or license key.
Free ad-supported version of Microsoft Office is available but the company warns it's only a test and there's no plan for a ...