Raistrick, H., and others. Patulin in common cold. Collaborative research on derivative of Penicillium patulum Bainier. Lancet 2:625-635, 1943.
Mutual Aid said there’s a contamination risk of harmful bacteria from mouse droppings found on the product and a potential risk of high patulin levels in the product. Patulin is a toxic ...
连锁饮料店日春木瓜牛奶被爆木瓜发霉继续用,引发民眾关注,其实不少年长者也认为,只要把水果发霉的部分切掉,其他地方还能吃,对此,台北荣总遗传优生科主任张家铭直言,水果一旦发霉,毒素早就渗进去了,吃下去等于把毒素吞进肚子,不只伤胃,还可能致癌,甚至有致命 ...
Be wary of apples though. A toxin called patulin can be found in damaged or mouldy apples. If mouldy apples are used to make juice there can be high levels in the final produce, so never drink ...
The FDA has set the highest risk level for recalled broccoli sold at Walmart stores in 20 states. More than 35,000 bags of Marketside Broccoli Florets were recalled in late December after samples ...
张家铭提到,棒麴毒素(Patulin)是一种广泛存在于烂掉水果中的毒素,最常出现在苹果、梨子、葡萄和木瓜中,不只是让水果变质,对人体的伤害更 ...
Laboratory of Sensors, Nanomedicine, and Nanostructured Materials, Federal University of São Carlos, Araras, São Paulo 13600-970, Brazil Department of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics, Federal ...