A pain on the outside of your hip bone that sometimes extends to your thigh might be a case of gluteal tendinopathy. Here’s everything you need to know about what causes it, how to treat it and what e ...
Ewing sarcoma is a rare type of bone cancer that commonly affects people who are 10 to 20 years old. It most commonly develops in the: pelvis bone (hips) thigh bone (femur) shin bone (tibia ...
You can actually learn a lot just by having a closer look at their bones and teeth - such as who they were, what their life was like, and sometimes even how they died. The first thing you might want ...
On December 22nd of 2023, a Vietnamese patient underwent hours-long surgery in order to remove part of his pelvis and femur, as per the usual treatment for bone cancer. What was special here was ...
I was recently diagnosed with Paget’s disease after suffering fatigue symptoms and muscle soreness in my neck, pelvic and ...