Cito tuto jucunde, a phrase that can be translated as “Quickly, safely, and pleasantly,” was the motto of one of the fathers ...
Article Views are the COUNTER-compliant sum of full text article downloads since November 2008 (both PDF and HTML) across all institutions and individuals. These metrics are regularly updated to ...
哲学史,就像艺术史、科学史和宗教史这些精神的其他表现形式一样,记录了精神从自在向自为的自我回复,因此哲学史不仅是真正意义上的哲学,也是世界历史理性过程的典范和内核。哲学史研究是活的哲学研究,这尤其体现在现代哲学的哲学史中。“现代哲学与哲学史”译丛的诞生正是希望从译介不同形态的优秀哲学史工作入手,推进 ...
According to their model, if they changed the magnitude of various parameters, they should be able to rescale the curves so that they essentially collapse onto a single curve. “This makes our ...
Comedian Groucho Marx famously once said that he did not wish to be a member of any club that would accept his membership.
Researchers found that Buddhist jhāna meditation and Christian speaking in tongues, despite their differences, share a common ...
The non-descript, pill-shaped cell is why we understand fundamental life processes (think DNA replication and transcription).
在研究的结论和讨论部分,研究人员发现,“同情” 贯穿于整个心力衰竭患者临终护理的过程,是护理工作的基石。这一发现与其他国家的研究结果相呼应,比如日本的研究也指出,医护人员认为心力衰竭患者临终时的心理困扰是重点关注问题。这表明不同地区的护士在为心力衰竭患者提供临终护理时,有着相似的经历和关注点。
In his new book Being We, Professor Dan Zahavi shares the results of five years of research into communal experience. He argues that being part of a ...