In Chemistry such systems are known as the Bohr model, whereas in particle physics they are known as the Rotating Lepton ...
Leonardo Torres y Quevedo was born on 28 December 1852, on the Feast of the Holy Innocents, in a stone house (see the lower ...
The League of Nations is the sort of dustbin into which we are always willing to shoot the property of our neighbours, but never our own” ...
1. Introduction. The study of Casimir operators of a Lie group may be reduced to the description of its associated group invariants [1]. Such invariants are well known for the classical Lie groups [2] ...
Metafiber devices enable high-quality photonic skyrmions with tunable topology and polarization control, advancing compact ...
A recent paper explores the multiplexing of infinite functionalities using a single metasurface, leveraging coherent wave ...
Polkadot (DOT) is poised to outperform in 2025 with upcoming catalysts, a strong developer ecosystem, and growth potential ...
In 2023, we published another article about CRSP in Cell Biology Education – A Journal of Life Science Education. That article assesses the impact of shifting research modalities and their impacts on ...
Bernard Arnault, Vincent Bolloré and Rodolphe Saadé are among the tycoons who have bought out the Ecole Supérieure de ...
今天是2024年的感恩节,终于得以有时间整理思绪,回顾总结今年的《计算共形几何》的教学。自暑期以来,受丘成桐先生的嘱托,笔者一直坚持讲解计算共形几何课程,与往年相比,今年的课程增加了三维流形的基本理论与计算,同时也兼顾了最优传输的理论。从很多方面而言 ...
The Yaoundé General Hospital, the Yaoundé Teaching Hospital Centre and the Yaoundé Gyneco-Obstetric and Pediatric Hospitals ...