The wealth and funds management giant wants to stop Daniel Elias from contacting its clients, and says he is restrained from ...
Many companies and schools pay for in-house training software when they could instead use PowerPoint to achieve similar ...
The Gunners will reportedly prioritise the signing of a new striker and a midfielder in 2025 - with one of the club's former ...
PowerPoint and Slides show a lot of tools on screen by default, whereas Keynote takes a more reserved approach that helps ...
文字似乎是PPT的死敌,不像图片自带一张漂亮的脸蛋。PPT中的文字如果处理不好,将拉低整个版面的颜值。今天就来看一下,必学的PPT文字排版技巧。 1.增加标题文字间距 在排版PPT的文字时,标题文字之间通常需要较大的间距,从而让标题文字看起来疏密有致 ...