The study explores how brain activity synchronizes during conversations and emotional exchanges between people.
Picture this: a child sits at a table, staring at a single marshmallow. A researcher explains the rules: “You can eat this ...
The study presents a useful computational analysis of how the ratio between excitatory and inhibitory neural numbers affects coding capacity. The authors show that increasing the proportion of ...
Does turning 25 unlock some magical “adult mode,” making you instantly wise, responsible, and suddenly obsessed with ...
A decade-long study reveals how childhood adversity alters brain development, increasing risks for mental health disorders and substance use.
Brain teasers are an intellectual workout for your brain. Studies in cognitive neuroscience reveal that engaging in puzzles ...
By Balasubramani Paranthaman Sleep is a vital part of life, essential for both physical and mental well-being. However, sleep ...
Examining the nature and origin of human intelligence and the intersection with machine intelligence in the past, present and (posited) future.
Brainteasers enhance logical reasoning, judgment, and rapid information processing, improving memory and cognitive function.
When it comes to addressing mental health challenges in teenagers, finding effective and safe treatment options is a top ...
New research shows that early life stress disrupts dopamine signaling, altering social motivation and behavior.
A newly identified part of a brain circuit mixes sensory information, memories, and emotions to tell whether things are familiar or new, and important or just "background ...