The problem centers around the federal Inflation Reduction Act, which was signed into law in 2022. Tucked away in the ...
How many of us know what goes into the development of the medications we take? We take a medicine and hope that it will work, ...
The drugs administered to 17 patients included chloroquine, novalgin, paraldehyde, procaine penicillin, and sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine. However, the most neurotoxic agents tested in a previous ...
This sequence supported the concept of a circus movement, that is, movement from atrium to ventricle via atrioventricular bundle (His) and ventricle to atrium via a muscle bridge (Kent). Injection of ...
The table is limited by our hospital pharmacy's formulary; however, our purpose was to update the current literature. The table is intended for use as a guide when medications labeled for ...
Amoxicillin 500 mg QDS plus probenecid 500 mg QDS × 14 days Early syphilis in HIV-positive As above, some clinicians recommend 3 doses at weekly intervals Procaine penicillin 2 million units IM OD + ...