Earlier this month, I took my beloved Russian Blue cat, Mavis, to a veterinary hospital for surgery performed on a blocked nostril and a wonky eardrum. After I got the bill, my wife, Amy, and I ...
Donning dog costumes, pug and bulldog masks, and wielding prop oxygen tanks, they said that fashionable flat-faced breeds suffer from “grotesquely distorted airways.” Such breeding results in ...
Golden Retrievers are wonderful family companions and pretty much want to be friends with all people...old, young, friend or ...
Ever curious about how a French Bulldog spends its day? It enjoys watching TV, resting on soft pillows, and following its owners from room to room ... Although not included, Chihuahua, Maltese, Lhasa ...
BAKERSFIELD, Calif. (KGET) — Ridgecrest police are asking the community to identify multiple people that allegedly stole over $1,000 of merchandise. On two separate occasions, multiple individuals ...