The square error in probability (SEP) is the difference between the historical probabilities of the observed value and median of the forecast. The RMSEP score is the ...
Our work proved that processing trajectory could effectively obtain a more reliable and robust quantitative model compared with the step-by-step optimization method. The use of systematic tracking was ...
Since RMSEP of log k was originally expressed in %, we recalculated it as 0.071. The relationship between the analyte retention and the concentration of the eluent is, however, not always consistent.
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Kamýcká 129, Prague 165 00, Czech Republic ...
天麻Gastrodia elata Bl. 为兰科天麻属真菌营养型多年生草本植物,以加工后的干燥块茎入药,具有息风止痉、平抑肝阳、祛风通络的功效。天麻是传统药食两用品种,2023 年11 月正式被国家市场监督管理总局纳入按照传统既是食品又是中药材的物质目录,其广泛应用 ...
在 PReDICT 样本分析中,针对每个治疗组分别创建数据文件,以 HAM - D 结果评分作为因变量,运行 PLSR 模型,通过 5 折交叉验证确定最佳拟合模型的组件数量,选择均方根预测误差(RMSEP)最低的模型,计算预测缓解的准确性并检查项目载荷。在 PET - 预测样本分析 ...