Eight hatcheries work throughout the year to produce 3.2 million trout for public anglers to enjoy in. Here's how it happens.
Get your fishing poles ready, the Mojave Narrows Regional Park Trout Fishing Derby is about to make a big splash in the ...
A popular fishing spot in Ft. Scott is stocked for the last time as trout season comes to an end in Kansas. Fern Lake in Ft.
Seventeen Sydenham Sportsmen’s Association volunteers saved 60,000 rainbow trout fingerlings after heavy snow collapsed the roof at the club’s hatchery near Creamery Hill in Owen Sound.
The Mantua Fish Hatchery was first constructed in 1910 by the Maple Creek Trout and Resort for fish production in Utah. The ...
There may still be piles of snow around the Basin, but one spring milestone is rapidly approaching: the opening of trout season. About two dozen lakes in Eastern Washington will open Saturday for ...
Scott Brallier, manager of the Reynoldsdale State Fish Hatchery in Bedford County, leads a team that produces about 200,000 adult trout a year. “We raise rainbow trout, brown trout and golden ...
Hiding deep in the Allegheny Highlands, nestled in the bottom of a canyon once known as Kincaid Gorge, Lake Moomaw has some ...
Missouri Governor Mike Kehoe will be at Roaring River State Park near Cassville Saturday morning at 6:30 as the pistol is ...
Nearly two dozen Eastern Washington lakes open Saturday, March 1, for trout fishing, and anglers also can try their luck at some that are open year round.