The US' proposed restrictive measures, such as levying port fees, would be self-harming and have detrimental effects, according to an online statement issued by the Commerce Ministry.
当地时间2月26日,包括《基辅独立报》在内的多家媒体发布了乌克兰和美国即将签署的矿产协议最终文本。根据乌媒公布的文本,该协议共11点内容。 WHEREAS the United States of America has provided significant financial and material support to Ukraine since Russia’s full-scale ...
BEIJING, Feb. 23 (Xinhua) -- China on Sunday urged the United States to stop its wrongdoing in proposing to impose restrictive measures on China's maritime, logistics, and shipbuilding sectors as part ...
WHEREAS the United States of America and Ukraine desire a lasting peace in Ukraine and a durable partnership between their two peoples and governments; 鉴于美利坚合众国和乌克兰希望乌克兰实现持久和平,并希望两国人民和政府之间建立持久的伙伴关系; W ...
3 天
盖世汽车 on MSNFirst Student推出HALO技术平台 改善学生的交通运输体验盖世汽车讯 据外媒报道,近日,学生交通运输服务供应商First Student宣布推出一款尖端技术平台HALO,旨在革新学区、家长和驾驶员对学生交通运输的管理和体验方式。 HALO技术平台(图片来源:First Student) ...
The US move to release the "America First Investment Policy" memorandum seriously affects normal economic and trade ...
中国日报网2月24日电 美国政府20日发布《联邦政府纪事》,正式把墨西哥锡那罗亚等8个植根拉丁美洲的贩毒集团列为“外国恐怖组织”。美国国务卿马尔科·鲁比奥还称,美方为执法人员打击这些贩毒集团提供了“额外工具”。