"Wellness patches do have some drawbacks," notes Ludlam-Raine. "Firstly, the skin acts as a barrier, and many nutrients are ...
在古代的文人笔下,薏米 (Rhizoma Coicis)不仅仅是一种食材,更是承载着传奇与哀怨的符号。几百年前的陆游就以美味的唐安薏米为题写下动人诗篇,对其情有独钟,足见其在历史上的重要地位。 这颗小小的种子,其实有着丰富的营养价值和众多健康功效,尤其在增强免疫力、降低血脂、缓解水肿等方面表现优异,堪称饮食界的“老中医”。然而,其背后的故事却令人唏嘘。不少人知道薏米的营养,但背后却隐藏着一个悲伤的 ...
Introduction: Acori Tatarinowii Rhizoma (ATR) is a well-known traditional Chinese medicine that is used for treating neuropathic diseases. However, there is little information about the safety of ATR.
Kombucha is a health-promoting fermented beverage worldwide. The present study compared the free-radical scavenging abilities and total reducing power (TRP) of kombucha prepared from low-cost green ...
Aim: In China, warfarin is usually prescribed with Chuanxiong Rhizoma for treating thromboembolism diseases. However, the reason for their combination is still being determined. The present study ...