Jan. 28, 2025 — A team of stem cell scientists have successfully used embryonic stem cell engineering to create a bi-paternal mouse -- a mouse with two male parents -- that lived until adulthood.
Research reveals promising advancements of Ce6-GFFY in colorectal cancer treatment. Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a highly ...
BACKGROUND: Circular RNAs derived from both nuclear and mitochondrial genomes are identified in animal cells.
ROS 2 support packages for Nova.
There are seven recognized families of bees in the world: Apidae, Megachilidae, Halictidae, Colletidae, Melittidae, Andrenidae, and Stenotritidae. Apidae is the largest family of bees, with over 5,700 ...
Cell turnover is the term used to describe the constant shedding of dead skin cells and subsequent replacement with younger cells. The skin naturally sheds dead skin cells through a process called ...
Nano and Bioelectrochemistry Research Laboratory, Carbon Dioxide Research and Green Technology Centre, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore 632 014, India Department of Chemistry, School of ...
If you live within the US Cellular coverage area, you could sign up for fixed wireless service with hardware that connects your router with the nearest cell tower ... billing cycle if your web ...
BM transplantation experiments and cellular reactive oxygen species assays revealed effects of TREM-2 in the context of chronic ... acute liver failure chronic liver disease hepatic stellate cell ...
China's Shenzhou-19 crew aboard the Tiangong space station have created oxygen and ingredients for rocket fuel for the first time with the help of "artificial photosynthesis" technology.