For some reason, the person in the family who's least excited to have a pet tends to bond with that pet quite closely. It's a ...
December 12 will be a “special” evening in Columbus. The club has announced an event that will allow some to receive a gift ...
The blue and yellow ornaments on a Christmas tree recently installed on Nizhny Novgorod’s central Gorky Square have been ...
Former Detroit Red Wings goaltender Dominik Hasek has never been shy about taking the NHL to task over what he views as the ...
A Russian Progress spacecraft docked at the International Space Station on Saturday (Nov. 23) at the Russian Poisk module ...
If someone says “на голубом глазу” (“na golubom glazu”) or “in the blue eye”, they are not telling the truth. But, they are ...
So he's not close to coming back yet," Jeff Svoboda of the Blue Jackets' official site reports. Chinakov has missed the past six games due to the injury. The Russian winger was playing well before ...
Assad, Russia wants to keep its military bases in Syria for the time being and discuss their whereabouts with the future ...
ASTANA, Nov 28 (Reuters) - Kazakh police are investigating the brief appearance of the Ukrainian flag on a large LED screen ...
According to the Russian Foreign Ministry, former Syrian ruler Bashar al-Assad has left his post and the country. However, ...
Local non-profits have warned of the risks of unregulated whale tourism and the government has said it intends to use Prof ...
Humanity stands at a critical crossroads, where our choices today will determine whether we choose cooperation or conflict ...