据爆料,苹果即将推出的新一代iPhone SE4正在紧锣密鼓地研发中,预计将在不久面世。然而,与此前iPhone SE系列一贯的亲民定价策略不同,此次iPhone SE4的售价或将有所上调。iPhone SE4在硬件配置和外观设计上都进行 ...
Dallas pastor Bishop T.D. Jakes filed a defamation lawsuit last week against a man who alleged in a YouTube talk show that ...
A Central Texas man was arrested after he messaged whom he believed to be a 13-year-old girl in an effort to initiate a ...
President-elect Donald Trump has filled key posts for his second term in office, prioritizing loyalty to him after he felt bruised and hampered by internal squabbles during his first term. Among his ...