Here’s how it works. Weighing less than half that of the DJI Mic 2, the new DJI Mic Mini comes in at just 10g. Not that the Mic 2's weight was the issue; this is more about a slimmed down low-cost ...
An ER can offer the quickest intervention for patients needing urgent care, such as for heart attacks or strokes. “It can take 45 minutes from south Fulton to get to Grady right now. Every ...
#undef CHANGE_PHY_BASE_PORT // Eval Board has the Base Port Addr set to something other than 0 #define SHOW_PHY_BASE_PORT // Show Eval Board Base Port Addr and Setup Info ...
IT之家11 月 11 日消息,OWC 现已推出一款 Thunderbolt 10G 万兆网络扩展坞,这款拓展坞号称专为苹果 M4 Mac 打造,但其仅配有雷电 3 接口,定价为 199 美元(IT之家备注:当前约 1431 元人民币)。 这款拓展坞通体黑色,外覆有防震橡胶,机身同时具备大量散热孔 ...
A "yes" vote supported establishing a minimum annual budget for the City Ethics Commission; increasing the Commission's authority over spending decisions and hiring matters; allowing the Commission to ...