What is the SGPT Test? Understanding Its Role in Liver Health Your liver is one of the most essential organs in your body, and it works to detoxify your blood, metabolize nutrients, and make bile to ...
【Dacogen 不良反应】 中性粒细胞减少、血小板减少、贫血、疲劳、发热、恶心、咳嗽、瘀点、便秘、腹泻、高血糖;非血液学毒性(如血清肌酐≥2mg/dL、SGPT 或总胆红素≥2xULN、活动性或不受控制的感染)。 香港登越药业温馨提示:本文旨在介绍医药健康 ...
This project uses Python, Hugging Face (sentence-transformers), Milvus + Docker (container running Vector DB) to create a vector database, populate it with details of many people (names, ages, ...
Weaviate is an open-source vector database that stores both objects and vectors, allowing for the combination of vector search with structured filtering with the fault tolerance and scalability of a ...
来源本品为葡萄科植物白蔹的干燥块根。春、秋二季采挖,除去泥沙及细根,切成纵瓣或斜片,晒干。性状本品纵瓣呈长圆形或近纺锤形,长4~10cm,直径1~2cm;切面周边常向内卷曲,中部有1凸起的棱线;外皮红棕色或红褐色,有纵皱纹、细横纹及横长皮孔,易层层脱 ...
Laboratory of Precision Nanomedicine, Shmunis School of Biomedicine and Cancer Research, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv-Yafo 69978, Israel Department of Materials Sciences and Engineering, Tel Aviv ...
来自MSN25 天
枸杞红枣泡酒是什么 有何功效作用如给大鼠较长期(75天)口服枸杞水提取物或甜菜碱,可升高血及肝中的磷脂水平;受四氯化碳毒害后之大鼠,肝中磷脂、总胆甾醇含量减低,事先或同时给甜菜碱或枸杞水提取物则有所升高;同时对BSP、SGPT、碱性磷酸酶、胆碱酯酶等试验均有改善作用。