The suspected madman behind a deadly stabbing spree in Manhattan Monday has a long criminal history — and had just walked free from Rikers Island a month before the terrifying attacks ...
他们正走过SS第26装甲掷弹兵团3营10连4排的Sd.Kfz.251。 左一是迪特里希。站在中间正与伦帅交谈的是SS第26装甲掷弹兵团3营10连连长威廉·帕拉斯中尉,他是从国防军调来党卫军部队的,但他仍使用国防军军衔。右一是SS第12“希特勒青年团”装甲师作战参谋胡伯 ...
History Today accepts submissions for articles for inclusion in the magazine. Submissions should be original, exclusive to History Today and offer an engaging and authoritative take on a historical ...
October marks Black History Month in the UK. The event began in the US in the 1920s, and was first celebrated in the UK in 1987. It also takes place in Canada, Germany and Ireland. In the UK ...