The basic architecture of the integer-N LC phase and frequency lock PLL is shown in Figure 4. Integrating programmable capacitances into the voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) retains the low jitter ...
LC(List Cloud)是一个多云攻击面资产梳理的工具,使用 LC 可以让甲方蓝队在管理多云时快速梳理出可能暴露在公网上的资产 ...
Description: A simple LC-3 virtual machine written in C. The machine simulates how the CPU works inside a computer to execute an image program (compiled assembly program). The completed program is ...
A Letter of Credit (LC) is a document that guarantees the buyer’s payment to the sellers. Businesses widely use this assured form of payment in trade transactions. It is issued by a bank and ensures ...
考毕兹振荡器(英语:Colpitts oscillator),又称考毕子振荡器,电容三点式振荡器,电容反馈式振荡器 [1],是由美国电机工程师艾德温·考毕兹(英语:Edwin H. Colpitts)于1918年发明的一种LC振荡器(利用电容和电感结合决定振荡频率的电子振荡器)设计。 [2] Colpitts ...
与任何振荡器一样,为了稳定工作,有源器件的放大率应略大于电容分压器的衰减。因此,使用可变电感可变频率振荡器(英语:variable frequency oscillator)调谐时,相对于调整两个电容的其中一个来说,可使Colpitts振荡器达到最佳性能。若需采用可变电容器调谐 ...