This is the story of a snowman named Chris. Brought to life one cold winter’s day by a lonely boy in need of a playmate, Chris is content with his simple existence. But when a cackling crow ...
Meg’s Monster developer Odencat Games announced narrative adventure game Snowman Story is coming to Nintendo Switch on December 12, roughly one year after the game’s Steam release. The Nintendo Switch ...
Take a warm winter's tale to go — Odencat's Snowman Story releases on Switch 12/12! Classic title from Meg's Monster and Bear's Restaurant developer gets surprise Holiday release. TOKYO ...
The Japanese indie game developer Odencat has announced that the Nintendo Switch’s version of its 2019 narrative adventure game Snowman Story will be released on 12 December 2024. Players will ...
Snowman Story was developed by Odencat, an independent studio based out of Japan. Odencat has been responsible for multiple well-regarded games on Steam, including Bear’s Restaurant and Meg’s ...
This game lets you become a snowman and journey on to fiding its "paradise" up North. On your way there, there are puzzles and by solving them, the story moves forward. *You can also skip puzzles ...
The story is about a little boy who builds a ... The Peacock Theatre staff are familiar with the needs of young children. The Snowman returns to the theatre every year.