Alcohol is deeply rooted in our cultures and habits, and in most Western countries, its significant economic weight grants it ...
A new study comparing neurons from different primates pinpointed several genetic changes unique to humans that buffer our ...
Nov. 12, 2024 — Glioblastoma is the most common kind of malignant brain tumor in adults. So far, no treatment has been able to make this aggressive tumor permanently disappear. The tumor cells ...
A study of the fossil teeth of early Homo from Georgia dating back 1.77 million years reveals a prolonged childhood despite a small brain and an ...
Ezequiel Gleichgerrcht; Agustín Ibáñez; María Roca; Teresa Torralva; Facundo Manes ...
Brain imaging refers to the usually non-invasive or minimally invasive techniques that enable imaging the structure or function of the brain. Brain imaging techniques take advantage of X-rays ...
The authors have no relevant affiliations or financial involvement with any organization or entity with a financial interest in or financial conflict with the subject matter or materials discussed ...
The brain is the part of the central nervous system that is contained within the skull. It is responsible for executive and cognitive functions and regulates the functioning of the other parts of ...
为了保持好的身形,为了控制体重或/和血糖,喜爱甜味的人往往会选择零热量甜饮料。很多人都觉得这是一种两全其美的选择。果真如此吗?自从零热量的甜味剂问世几十年来,其他甜味剂的影响还有待研究,但最常用甜味剂阿斯巴甜已经确认有神经毒害作用,阿斯巴甜代谢产生的甲醇和甲醛会扰乱一碳循环,升高氧化压力,促进神经细 ...