If your garden soil lacks acidity, you can correct the imbalance with this safe, affordable, and widely available addition.
Scientists may finally have a way to detect ancient life on Mars by studying microbial fossils preserved in sulfate minerals.
Some flowers and vegetables will not thrive in soil that's too alkaline. Adding amendments to lower soil pH can help your ...
Total OM is also a factor. Sulfur yield response probability increases at lower soil OM (1-2%). Wheat crop needs differ between S and N. S removal rates in an 80-bushel wheat crop are 6 pounds (12 ...
Plant nutrients that are needed in much lower quantities are boron, calcium, chlorine, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, ...
ASIX's sales volumes decline in Q4 due to the delayed ramp to full operating rates following a planned plant turnaround.
The question of whether life once existed on Mars may be answered by a new laser instrument from the University of Bern. The ...
Scientists found fossil-like traces in gypsum, suggesting ancient microbial life may have existed on Mars billions of years ...
The first life on Earth formed four billion years ago, as microbes living in pools and seas: what if the same thing happened ...
In fact, many top drugstore shampoos come from reputable brands we all know and love — think Dove or L’Oréal — while ...
“The idea is one injects sulfur dioxide into the upper atmosphere, and it is converted to sulfate aerosols,” Betterton said. “They become like a white haze and reflect some of the sunlight ...