The winter months have provided hikers with the rare chance to explore ice caves carved by melting ice on a glacier in ...
Microsoft's Majorana 1 processor uses topological superconductivity to potentially scale quantum computing to 1 million ...
Houston, we have a fusion problemWe were planning and hoping to get the bike up and running by end of November, but we have ...
14 天
知乎 on MSN瓶装矿泉水在零下5度的车里一天也没结冰,为啥呢?缺少结晶核且缺少外来扰动的过冷水可以长时间不结冰。过冷/Supercooling 是液体在温度低于其凝固点的状态下保持液态的物理现象。1 大气压下的过冷水可在最低约 -48.3 摄氏度下保持液态。摇晃题述的过冷状态矿泉水,往往会看到它以肉眼可见的速度结冰。居住在我国东北地区的读者可能亲眼看过这种现象。读者若要自行试验过冷水,可以购买市售的纯净水、放在寒冷的户外或正常工作的冰箱的冷冻层里,两小时后拿 ...
Smith, A. U., Biological Effects of Freezing and Supercooling (Edward Arnold, Ltd., London, 1961).
Dr Berenice Bernal Juarez, researcher at the Animal Breeding and Genomics group (ABG) and working for the Centre for Genetic ...
Novel photochromic glass can store rewritable 3D patterns long term Date: February 26, 2025 Source: American Chemical Society Summary: For decades researchers have been exploring how to store data ...
Discussions of the Faraday Society, “Crystal Growth”, 5 (1949).