But how do you know if it's just a simple faint or something more serious? Dr. Elijah Behr, a cardiologist at Mayo Clinic ...
Syncope is a transient form of vasomotor collapse ... and psychic factors should be eliminated in so far as possible. For the immediate treatment of fainting the most effective measure is to ...
INTEREST in syncope of circulatory origin was stimulated ... Formerly, fellow, Department of Medicine, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, and Frank E. Bunts Educational Institute. Select the format ...
These tests may include: Most people who are prone to vasovagal syncope do not require treatment. Avoiding triggers and lying down when you sense a faint coming on is typically helpful.
Treatments should of course be related to the causative mechanism. All exacerbating factors (e.g., infections, anemia, and metabolic anomalies) should be corrected and medication should be ...
The tilt test was considered positive when syncope was produced in association with hypotension, bradycardia, or both. The treatment group patients performed daily tilt training for the first ...