中国食品药品网讯 近日,辉瑞血友病创新疗法HYMPAVZI™(马塔西单抗/Marstacimab)正式落地海南博鳌乐城先行区。这是首个通过预充式注射笔皮下注射固定剂量马塔西单抗的创新疗法,只需每周一次,有望减少患者因频繁输注带来的心理负担和用药负担,让血友病患者重启“自如人生”。
Pfizer has discontinued Beqvez for hemophilia B due to low patient demand and will focus on alternative treatments, including its approved therapy, Hympavzi.
Pfizer’s anti-TFPI antibody marstacimab has been approved by the FDA to treat haemophilia, becoming the pharma group’s second new therapy for the blood disorder this year. Marstacimab will be ...
Novo Nordisk's anti-TFPI antibody concizumab has been backed for approval in the EU as a once-daily drug to prevent bleeding episodes in people with haemophilia. The recommendation by the EMA's ...
上海瑞金医院血友病中心主任王学锋表示, 得益于“先行先试”政策,马塔西单抗在国际上市后,也能第一时间惠及到中国患者,极大地缩短了新药从国外到国内的时间差,让国内患者能够同步享受到最新的前沿疗法。希望这款药物在瑞金海南医院落地后,能够积累宝贵的临床数据 ...
人民网博鳌2月24日电 ...
“辉瑞公司生产的马塔西单抗,两年多前才在美国获批上市。此次落地乐城瑞金海南医院的首针是美国之外全世界所有国家中的第一针。”瑞金海南医院党委书记、院长顾志冬表示,马塔西单抗成功落地离不开各方单位的支持,截至目前,医院已落地近170项特许药械项目。接下来 ...
Hympavzi is the first and only anti-tissue factor pathway inhibitor (anti-TFPI) approved in the U.S. for hemophilia A or B and the first hemophilia medicine approved in the U.S. to be administered ...
2024年12月,辉瑞终止了与Sangamo Therapeutics在A型血友病基因疗法giroctocogene fitelparvovec的合作,将该基因治疗的权益退还给了Sangamo。 近日,基因治疗先驱公司蓝鸟更是在连续几年的挣扎后, ...