The Carolina Panthers have shown real progress and come achingly close to upsetting the last two opponents on their schedule.
A proactive government that provides a healthy, safe and protected environment for all regardless of background is vital, ...
Stricter measures are required in order to address the number of motorcyclists running red lights, said social activist and Road Safety Council member Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye, reported New Straits Times.
ICONIC British supermodel Kate Moss has teamed up with Spanish fashion giant Zara for a bold new ‘capsule collection’. And ...
Good moral values, ethics and upholding integrity should be emphasised in the training programme for police trainees, says ...
Periodic recertification should be mandated for heavy vehicle drivers, says Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye.The Road Safety Council ...
每经AI快讯,博创科技(SZ ...
11月22日,博创科技公告,聘任PEH KOK THYE先生为公司财务总监。资料显示,PEH KOK THYE(彭国泰)先生,马来西亚国籍,1981年出生,英国密德萨斯大学信息系统与会计学学士,英国特许公认会计师公会资深会员。2010年至2011年期间任马来西亚毕马威会计师事务所高级税务顾问,2011年至2020年期间先后任长飞光纤光缆股份有限公司高级投资分析师、长飞光纤非洲光缆有限公司财务总监、 ...
每经AI快讯,博创科技(SZ 300548)1 1月22日 晚间发布公告称,梁冠宁先生因个人原因申请辞去公司副总经理、 财务总监 兼 董事会 秘书职务。辞职后,梁冠宁先生仍在公司担任其他职务。经公司董事会提名委员会和 审计 委员会资格审核,董事会同意聘任PEH KOK THYE先生为公司 财务 总监、聘任 熊军 先生为公司董事会秘书,任期均自本次董事会审议通过之日起至第六届董事会届满之日止。
History is littered with those who have enjoyed successful political careers only to close out that tenure with an unexpected and final defeat. Edward John Thye was a tall, distinguished-looking ...
The awards are the highest honours bestowed on Singapore’s most outstanding Girl Guides and Venture Scouts of the year. Read ...