or National Instruments NI-488.2 software if using an NI GPIB-USB-HS, or whatever respective drivers you need for your GPIB adapter. It will automatically find and communicate with your 3457A to allow ...
$0.48 at digikey $0.14 at tayda or search ebay for "idc 2x5 box header" This board design is Open-Source Hardware. It is licensed under the MIT License. It was designed by Jason Pepas.
2025年2月18日,鼎阳科技推出新一代任 意波形发生器 ...
With iPhones and many other devices now featuring USB-C, it's clear that the interface is here to stay. Here's why that's a good thing—even if not every USB-C port is created equal. I’m the ...
The demand for new content is a consistently increasing one, and armed with one of our best budget USB microphones and a laptop, there's no reason you can't become a content creator yourself. You ...
LAN、USB和GPIB PC连通性能够提高设计和测试的生产率。 E4980AL 支持种类繁多的附件,适用于多种应用。这些附件可使元件测量变得简单而可靠 平台声明:该文观点仅代表作者本人,搜狐号系信息发布平台,搜狐仅提供信息存储空间服务。
Since the Microsoft Surface comes with a USB-C port, it opens up the possibility of wide connectivity options via a compatible USB-C adapter, hubs, docking, display-out, and charging. Here are the ...
U.S. Bancorp, a financial services holding company, provides various financial services to individuals, businesses, institutional organizations, governmental entities, and other financial ...
是德Keysight N5182A信号发生器,也称为MXG射频矢量信号发生器,是一款功能强大、性能卓越的测试仪器。 1.电源检查:首先检查电源是否正常,包括电源线、电源插座和保险丝等。 2.故障排查:根据故障现象,逐步排查可能的原因,如检查显示屏、射频板、输出 ...
在当今汽车技术飞速发展的背景下,汽车电子系统的复杂性日益增加。从先进的驾驶辅助系统(ADAS)到电动汽车的动力管理,再到智能网联汽车的通讯系统,汽车电子在保证车辆安全、性能和舒适性方面扮演着至关重要的角色。随着汽车电子应用的不断深化,精确的电子信号分析成为了保证这些系统高效运作的关键所在。而在众多电子测试仪器中,是德DSOX4024A示波器凭借其卓越的性能和强大的功能,成为了汽车电子信号分析的得力 ...