Star Wars Outlaws just received a new patch on consoles and PC to fix technical issues, with Photo Mode crashing now resolved ...
Ubisoft's been returning to Steam with all the enthusiasm of a groom at a shotgun wedding for a good few years now, and most ...
2月27日消息, Ubisoft于昨日(2月26日)发布了最新的开发者日志,宣布在策略游戏纪元系列的全新作品纪元117:罗马和平中加入斜向道路设计,为玩家提供更灵活的城市规划体验。
The popular game manager / launcher Lutris has a new release out, which brings with it various improvements to how it handles ...
Ubisoft is currently engaged in what we Brits would call a reverse-ferret: After years of releasing its games exclusively on the Epic Store, the publisher has returned to distributing them on Steam.
不过现在,育碧即将让游戏原生支持 Steam,首款游戏是 3 月发布的《刺客信条:影》。而对于老游戏,育碧正在逐步完善 Steam 上的部分功能,其中就包括 Steam 成就。上周育碧刚刚为《看门狗2》添加了该功能,现在另一款倍受喜爱的游戏《孤岛惊魂3:血龙》也添加了 Steam 成就。
2 月 27 日消息,育碧昨日(2 月 26 日)更新开发者日志,称在策略游戏《纪元》系列新作《纪元 117:罗马和平》中,加入斜向道路,让玩家更灵活地规划城市。
even if Ubisoft is still trying to make you sync-up your Steam account to a Ubisoft Connect one. It just can't quite let go! This is all because Ubisoft has realised it can't afford to ignore ...
IT之家2 月 27 日消息,育碧昨日(2 月 26 日)更新开发者日志,称在策略游戏《纪元》系列新作《纪元 117:罗马和平》中,加入斜向道路,让玩家更灵活地规划城市。 自《纪元》系列游戏诞生以来,道路一直采用网格结构,玩家只能使用直角道路进行城市建设。而在《纪元 117:罗马和平》中,育碧引入 45 度角的斜向道路和建筑,让街道和连接的建筑看起来更加自然。 新作将提供八方向道路和经典的四方向道 ...