近年来,虚拟现实技术不断发展,游戏体验逐渐走向沉浸式,为玩家提供更真实的感官刺激。而苹果最新发布的Vision Pro更是将该领域推向新的巅峰。根据知名科技分析师Mark Gurman的报道,苹果正在与索尼合作,计划在Vision Pro上启用PlayStation VR控制器的支持,并预计在2025年通过软件更新推出。这一消息引发了业内的广泛关注,标志着苹果在虚拟现实游戏方面的进一步进军。
查看引用和消息源请点击:映维网Nweon本周索尼PSVR的新内容(映维网Nweon ...
近日,科技界又传来一则令人兴奋的消息:苹果与索尼这两大科技巨头正式达成合作,计划在Apple Vision Pro平台上支持PlayStation VR2手持控制器。这一合作预计将为Vision Pro用户带来全新的游戏体验,有望显著提升虚拟现实中的沉浸感和交互精确度。令人期待之余,也不禁让人思考这对未来VR游戏市场的影响。
With the addition of VR games, gaming has evolved into a much more immersive experience that is only getting better with each day. So, if you have a PlayStation 5 console and PSVR/PSVR2 headset ...
Explore new worlds with the best VR headsets on the market as we delve into and examine models from Meta, HTC Vive and Playstation. We've explored the world of virtual reality and come up with a ...
PlayStation VR2 doesn’t require a PC. However, you’ll need the PS5 to enjoy the truly spectacular VR experience. Some ultra-cheap VR headsets also use the screen of your smartphone for a fun ...
Plus, the headset itself features some pretty impressive VR hardware. Following a substantial $200 discount in 2024, many PlayStation 5 owners got to enjoy Beatsaber and Resident Evil 4 in first ...
We'll find out in the next sections. Buy Playstation VR 2 or Quest 3(S)? First things first: Playstation VR 2 requires a Playstation 5 (Pro) or alternatively a gaming PC if you want to access VR ...
IT之家 2 月 21 日消息,开发商 Innersloth 宣布升级旗下太空狼人杀游戏第一人称 VR 版本《Among Us VR》,将本作改名为《Among Us 3D》, 新增支持非 VR 设备,这意味着普通 PC 也可以使用 2D ...
I’ve reviewed more than a thousand different consumer electronics products including headphones, speakers, TVs, and every major game system and VR headset of the last decade. I’m an ISF ...
Despite still occupying a niche corner of the gaming market, VR tech continues to develop, bringing with it new headsets that are more powerful, more comfortable, and--more importantly--more ...