A New Zeland-based designer Henry Glogau has developed Solar Desalination Skylight, a device that uses seawater to create natural ambient light, drinking water, and generates energy from the remaining ...
The brief demo video after the break sheds light on an interesting aspect of using water as a tilt switch — it’s not instantaneous. As he slowly moves the lamp from vertical to horizontal and ...
Jones: That's me and my boss opening up a lava lamp. [glugging] Oh ... Katzel said it's mostly water. And since wax doesn't mix with water, that makes a lot of sense. But, as you can see, it's ...
Since they may be sharing night-table real estate with water glasses ... they should emit less light than floor lamps or overhead lights. Some fixtures on this list have built-in LEDs or come ...
According to the brand, this professional salon-level lamp uses “safe 365 nanometers UV light and 405 nanometers LED light wavelengths to quickly and effectively cure various gel nail products ...
The Lumie Vitamin L is unique in that it releases a powerful light but in a much more compact shape than many of today's best SAD lamps. Its rippled diffuser helps to soften the light making it ...