Purchasing a keg might seem like a bright idea if you're hosting a party, but before you buy one, it's good to know just how many beers are in a full keg.
Hurikán rushes out to save his favourite beer stand from closure by fetching a new keg to impress the bartender he has | ...
2025年2月27日,博实股份(002698.SZ)公告称,近日公司收到与中石油吉林化工工程有限公司签订的商务合同,合同金额为人民币6696万元。根据公司《章程》等相关规定,该合同的签署权限在总经理权限范围内。公告指出,上述合同不含税金额为5,925.66万元,占公司 2023 ...
Glenwood city officials have narrowed in on a section of trail to try and rescope state grant dollars towards.
Most UK firms say they will rethink hiring, prices and investment due to the upcoming rise in employers’ national insurance ...