is a new animated series that reimagines the events of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. "What If...?" premiered on Disney Plus on August 11 and the first season will run for nine episodes.
Marvel is slowly dipping its toes into more game genres, and there's one upcoming MCU project that could pave the way for a new type of Marvel game.
Three of Disney’s biggest brands have major premieres on Disney Plus in December, with new episodes of shows from the worlds ...
I'm a huge Star Wars and Sci-Fi fan and think this deal is unmissable — Disney Plus and Hulu's Cyber Monday deal with an ...
Much like Netflix’s final list of content of 2024, Disney Plus is delivering an impressive list of new releases in December.
Deadpool has arrived in the MCU, and he’s definitely here to stay – he’s even taken a spot held by another MCU hero on Disney ...
Marvel Studios' 'Deadpool & Wolverine,' which stars actors Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman, will hit Disney Plus on Nov. 12.
Well, sort of. The Marvel TV series' third and final season, which makes its Disney Plus debut on December 22, will include a ...
The MCU’s upcoming slate continues to face a whole lot of shifting, but for now at least, there’s still a lot more Marvel TV on the way. At the start of 2022, there were 12 new Marvel Studios ...