University showcases six technologies and eight start-ups created by its faculty, scientists, researchers, and students ...
Google is updating Chrome for Android to utilize more of your phone's display by stretching content right to the bottom edge.
Every year, thousands of arts students complete their Class 12 education and enter college. If you're one of them, you're ...
每年全国两会期间,百姓冷暖、民生福祉都是习近平总书记心头最大的牵挂。59次“到团组”, 听取数百名代表委员发言……一桩桩、一件件,关乎群众幸福指数的“小事”,总书记问得很细、很实、很深。“地是水浇地吗”“牛养殖是分户养还是集中养”“是水冲厕还是旱厕” ,暖心问询、亲切互动,共谋良策、共话未来,两会时间,记录着总书记对人民群众不变的牵挂。
新华社北京3月2日电 政协第十四届全国委员会常务委员会第十次会议2日下午在京闭幕。中共中央政治局常委、全国政协主席王沪宁主持闭幕会并讲话。 王沪宁表示,一年来,全国政协坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,全面贯彻落实中共二十大和二十届二中、三中全会精神,隆重庆祝中国人民政治协商会议成立75周年,聚焦党和国家中心任务履职尽责,扎实开展党纪学习教育,各项工作取得新进展。
Internet routers face constant scans for vulnerabilities, with outdated devices more prone to exploitation, experts warn.
Both heavy-hitting photo editing apps come from Adobe, but which one is right for your needs—or should you use both? Here's ...
UNO men's basketball took to the court for the last time in the regular season on Saturday, and they were playing for the ...
Creighton will be back in action on Sunday when they take on UC Santa Barbara at noon in the last day of the weekend ...
Think you've mastered your iPhone? Think again. These hidden features and tricks might just change the way you use it.
The Volta Regional Minister, James Gunu, has declared a state of emergency following severe coastal erosion that has ...