彭勃介绍称,“On the vast and boundless land of Northeast China, when the gentle breeze blows by the unique sound seems as if the rice are whispering softly, telling the joy of growth. They are welcoming ...
近日,辽宁沈阳市于洪区委宣传部视频号“于洪文旅”发布了一段推介当地大米的视频,该区文化旅游广电局副局长彭勃出镜介绍,其流畅的英语表达以及东北话无缝衔接,收获了不少网友点赞。 据视频号“于洪文旅”介绍,该视频系于洪文旅之“万境于洪 ...
telling the joy of growth. They are welcoming every ray of sunshine and every wisp of breeze(在广袤无垠的东北土地上,微风拂过,独特的声响仿佛是水稻们在轻声细语 ...