在经历了两个月对关税威胁和美联储紧缩政策的“免疫”之后,美国强劲的经济数据一直是投资者持续涌入市场的定心丸。然而,最新疲软的经济数据公布后,美股似乎“扛不住了”。21日,美国公布的消费者信心、房地产和服务业数据均表现不佳,投资者对美国经济前景和通胀粘 ...
Spring is almost here, and there are plenty of fruits and vegetables you can sow in your garden to give your plants a head start and ensure a plentiful harvest once the weather warms up ...
Check out the top romantic anime shows of the 21st century which include My Happy Marriage, Kamisama Kiss and Kaguya-sama: ...
If you believe there is more to anime than popular shonen series, these 25 romantic anime shows will prove you right.